Have you ever wondered what gets in the way of you completing the things that you set out to achieve?
Finding that you have great expectations that never appear?
Do you tell yourself stories about not being good enough, clever enough, persistent or motivated enough?
Have you ever considered that the hurt we experienced in days gone by can stop us being, doing, having what we’d really like in life?
So often, crosswords used by another can leave us feeling less worthy, unloved, not enough, rejected, abandoned…
And then to keep safe,
👉 we find ways push others away,
👉 hide ourselves from the world outside,
👉 create ways to survive that give us even more of those negative feelings about ourselves and the world we live in.
It doesn’t have to stay that way.
Whether 2022 was one of the best or worst years of your life, the new year always presents an opportunity for a clean slate and a fresh start.
Start 2023 in a different way and let this year be
the year that you finally achieve your big goals.