I’m not broken. I don’t need fixing!
How many of us go through experiences in our lives where we feel broken, where we feel as though things have happened to us that knock out of us—faith in ourselves, faith in the world around, our relationships with other people—which then ultimately makes us think that it’s us that’s broken and that we think we need fixing?
If things go wrong, we must be broken.
We feel that pain so deep inside of us, especially in our heart area and our stomach’s that we just feel that we can’t keep go on, we don’t have the energy, we don’t have the strength to keep pushing through—we’re broken.
Let me tell you this: You’re not broken and you don’t need fixing.
Each of us have everything that we need within us to do the things that we need to do. We have all the bits that work perfectly. It’s just that sometimes that some things that happens to us that knock us, that remind us of things that have happened in the past, things that have not worked so well, things that have challenged us, things that have caused us great sadness, great disappointment, great upset—and those things that are triggered within us are the things that makes us feel that we’re broken then we begin to relate to ourselves as if we’re broken. We forget all the times that we have kept going, all the times that we have been resourcesful, all the things that we’ve discovered within ourselves.No one is wrong, or broken, or in need fixing, even if it sometimes brings you unhappiness. People carry out their behavioural strategies perfectly, the things that they have learnt to do to keep them alive and safe, and are within their comfort zone.
Every intention, every behaviour has a positive intention.
The result that you’re trying to achieve will be positive, even if that positive outcome is bringing you unhappiness. Maybe ultimately, that positive intention is keeping you safe because it’s within your comfort zone.
For example, the relationships that we get into that’s really destructive to us, which may knock our self-worth, may question who we are and what we are, may lead us to believe that we need fixing. The positive intention? It’s safe, it’s within our comfort zone.
Ultimately, it’s important to remember that you’re not broken. You don’t need fixing. You have everything that you need to do the things to do the things that you want to do. The negative things that you do that cause you upset, disappointment, sadness has a positive intention somewhere within them.
Take time to look for it, or get in touch with me and I’ll help you to find out where those things come from that tend to hold us back, tend to get in the way. Let’s look together and find out where those intentions have come from that are causing you to feel you need fixing, and make changes as needed.
Let’s keep looking for those positive things within us that have been shown time and time again because we’ve done them, and we can do them again.